To order any of these
products please go to the Order
Always feel free to call/e-mail us with
support questions!
Contact information is at the bottom of
the page or e-mail by clicking the button above.

Reduction of Hazardous Substances
We are
in the process of converting all of our
manufacturing over to RoHS compliant.
The RoHS status of every product is noted
on the Products page.
on RoHS, Lead-Free, and Proposition 65

you'd like to learn more about the DMX Protocol
and uses for it, a very good web site is DMX512-Online
run by Ujjal Kar. There is also an official FAQ
The complete specification for DMX512-A is
contained in the ANSI E1.11-2008 standard which
is available from the ANSI
Web Store.
stellarDMX DMX Controller and MIDI adapter
The 4201-B may be used
in many different ways; we will assist you in
getting your system set up and working. We’ll even
write simple macro files for you if needed and ship
units with macros, settings already loaded.
USB connections to Mac
OS X and Linux systems now work with no adapters. We
recommend USB connections whenever possible.
MIDI connections
require our MIDI to RS-232 adapter which plugs into
and is powered by the 4201-B. The MIDI adapter
requires version 2.10 or later firmware in the
4201-B, other than that there is no special software
The Model 4201-B may
be controlled directly from any application or
programming language on any machine that can talk to
an RS-232 or MIDI port. The USB interface lets a
Windows, OS-X, or Linux computer see the 4201-B as a
normal RS-232 port, so no software changes are
needed to use either the RS-232 port or the USB port
on those systems.
The 4201-B allows
setting a slower frame rate for use with low cost
dimmers, if you have flickering problems try setting
the frame rate to 20 (hex) using the “N” command.
capable Firmware, version 2.19 See the manual
for the version you currently have for firmware
update instructions.
New in this version,
^P adds soft patching for all 512 channels (works
with or without stellarConsole). Also the ^D and ^F
commands have changed slightly.
Also includes MIDI
functions including fading to presets using the fade
time stored by stellarConsole. Now you can set up
your show with stellarConsole, copy it over to the
4201-B, and then run it with your MIDI sequencer.
New macro command has been added to make it easier
to step through presets and use all 8 User inputs
with switches.
Instruction Manual, version 2.19
for older versions
files included on 4201-B CD including previous
firmware versions.
Version 1.7.5, a 24 channel control program
for Windows, OS X, Linux. Recently added features
are soft patching, naming faders, and moving faders
in groups. This will also save your cues and fade
times to non-volatile presets in the 4201-B for
later access by a macro or MIDI command.
The above program is
courtesy of ChromaKinetics.
For Mac and Windows
users who don't have a serial terminal program, Cool
Term by Roger
Meier works and is free. The only problem
we've seen with this is in Windows if the serial
port has been opened by another program such as
HyperTerm, the computer will have to be rebooted
before CoolTerm will open the port. Version below is
CoolTerm for Windows
CoolTerm for Mac
CoolTerm for Linux
Linux systems you may also use GtkTerm.
Some of our products use the FreeRTOS operating
system. The source code is licensed by
the *modified* GNU General Public License (GPL). The
source code and license file are provided here:
utilities to convert MIDI files to/from text
files. Allows creating/editing MIDI files with a
text editor. Windows only, source files included.
Application notes
to Hex conversion Table
Percent to Hex conversion
sliders (potentiometers) with the 4201-B
Lighting a sculpture
without a computer
display without a compute
to computerized architectural lighting systems

Controlled 4-Channel DC Dimmer
Our DC Dimmer has been
upgraded to Version 2 which now features Isolated
and Protected DMX input, 8 and 16 bit dimming, and
many special order options including ModBus control,
dedicated stepping motor version, and pre-programmed
lighting sequences.
2 Dimmer Instruction Manual
Stepping Motor Video
(10 MB) of a stepping motor being controlled over
DMX512 using our standard DC Dimmer.
following manual is for the original version only.
Version Dimmer Instruction Manual

and Switch-4X
The Switch-4 allows simple
control of many devices that prior to this required
expensive, complicated controls. One to four inputs
(can be buttons, switches, relays, sensors, logic
level outputs, etc.) are constantly monitored and
every time one of the inputs changes it sends a
command to whatever it's connected to. There are
currently two versions, MIDI and RS-232 with both
standard and customized commands.
The MIDI standard version
sends out simple Note On and Note Off commands. For
example when Switch #1 closes it will send out “Note
1 On”. When Switch #2 opens it will send out “Note 2
The RS-232 standard version
sends out a single letter followed by a carriage
return. For example, when Switch #1 closes it sends
out a capitol A. When Switch #2 opens it will send
out a lower case B. Upper case = Switch closed,
lower case = Switch opened.
The Switch-4X version
allows you to change the output data, RS-232/MIDI
mode, output polarity, debounce time, and baud rate
whenever you wish. It requires use of either the
FTDI cable that we sell or you may make your own.
You will also need to use our free setup utility,
currently this utility requires Open
Office software which is free and runs on
Windows, OS X, and Linux systems. The setup
utility is open source so you may modify it to
suit your needs.
Manual for MIDI and RS-232 Standard Versions
Switch-4X Manual
for Extended Version (includes Setup Utility
Setup Utility, Setup
Software License Agreement (GNU GPLv3)
CoolTerm for Windows
CoolTerm for Mac
CoolTerm for Linux
For Linux systems you
can also use GtkTerm.

This is currently offered in
an RS-232 version with future customized versions
available on special order. For many applications,
power relays (solid state or mechanical) will be
used to drive the final load (neon transformers,
incandescent lights, motors, etc.) but there is no
problem directly connecting LEDs, small incandescent
lights and motors as long as they operate on 9-24V
DC and draw ¼ Amp or less.
We offer
customized systems including mounting this board,
power supply, and relays in an enclosure at
reasonable prices. Contact us for details.
We can
also write a Sequencer program to meet your needs
and ship the product ready to connect and use. For simple programs there
is no charge for this. For complex programs there
will be a reasonable fee.
We offer
programming support via telephone and e-mail at no
Manual for firmware version 20131014
version 20131121
Support Files (manuals, firmware)
updates are optional, only install if you need the
updated features.
will need a terminal emulator program to set up the
Sequencer, you may use any of your choice. If you have us load the
program in for you, then you will only need the
terminal emulator if you wish to make future
following terminal
emulators are
offered free.
CoolTerm for Windows
CoolTerm for Mac
CoolTerm for Linux
For Linux systems you
can also use GtkTerm.
example of a typical application program would be a museum display that has a
push button to start a sequence of operations. In
this example we have the following items connected:
1: Idle lighting (static lights when inactive)
2: Audio PLAY trigger
3: Light 1
4: Light 2
5: Motor
User START button
Programming explained in detail in the
User Manual, but for a quick example the program
would have the first line turn the Idle lighting on
while turning everything else off. It would look
like this:
1 S 0b00000001 1
The next
line would simply hang out waiting for the push
2 J 2 0x11
that we would have lines that step through turning
on the Audio PLAY output and the lights/motor at
appropriate times. Each item would be a single
program line similar to the first line above. After
the last item was done there would be a Jump back to
the very first step to go back to the idle state and
wait for the button again.

4201, 4201a
These models have been
replaced with the 4201-B. The 4201-B supports most
of the functions of the 4200, 4201, and 4201a
products but not all. Most importantly, the
SmartLight™ Theater Lighting Software from Edgeview
Software LLC does not currently support the “B”
version, it has been discontinued. The free
stellarConsole program above is the new replacement
for it.
files for the superseded Model 4201a
files for the superseded Model 4200