A new look for a New Country

We have moved from California, USA to Krasnodar Krai, Russian Federation.

Durand Interstellar, Inc. has become Durand Interstellar, Ltd., a Russian corporation. The Russian version of our name is

ООО << Дюранд Интерстеллар >>

We will be adding products and services as we set up sales channels. You may always contact us to buy products/services directly. We are happy to quote on custom products/devices/services.

Our contact information is at the bottom of the page.

3 responses to “A new look for a New Country”

  1. Jerry,
    I hope to be the first who will get news about Interstella products!
    To start or continue business in a new country takes time and efforts. I wish you patience and inspiration.
    Be sure our team is always ready to support any of your business ideas.

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